FAPTA is the Federation of Asian Professional Textile Association, established in 1991. FAPTA is composed of representatives of 7 Professional Textile Associations in Asia, including the University of New South Wales (Australia), the Chinese Institute of Textile Engineers (Chinese Taipei), Hong Kong Polytechnic University (Hong Kong), the Textile Association (India), Amirkabir University of Technology (Iran), the Korean Fiber Society (Korea) and the Society of Fiber Science and Technology (Japan). In 2009, the China Textile Engineering Society (China) joined FAPTA, and now a total of 8 associations make FAPTA.


Promote cooperation between Professional Textile Associations in Asia.


  • General Body Meeting (every 2 years).
  • Executive Council, including President, General Secretary and Treasurer.


Country Representatives Affiliation
AustraliaProfessor Rajiv PadhyeCentre for Materials Innovation and Future Fashion School of Fashion and Textiles
JapanProf. Kenji OginoThe FAPTA Chair
Prof. Yoshinobu TsujiiPresident of the Society of Fiber Science and Technology, JAPAN
KoreaProfessor Taek Seung LeeChungnam National University
Professor Jun Young LeeSungkyunkwan University
IranProfessor Saeed Shaikhzadeh NajarHead of Polymers and nanofiber Research Amirkabir University of Technology
Professor, Professor Seyed Hajir BahramiDepartment of Textile Engineering Textile Chemistry & Fiber Sciences, Amirkabir University of Technology
ChinaAlbert Fu, Professor-level Senior EngineerPresident of China Textile Engineering Society, China
Lucy Lee, Senior EngineertDeputy Secretary-General of China Textile Engineering Society, China
Hong KongDean, Professor Erin Limin ChoSchool of Fashion and Textiles, the Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Chair Professor, John Haozhong XinSchool of Fashion and Textiles, the Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Chinese TaipeiLifetime Distinguished Professor, Jia-Horng LinDepartment of Fiber and Composite Materials, Feng Chia University
Professor, Wen-Cheng ChenDepartment of Fiber and Composite Materials, Feng Chia University
Professor, Jason Hsiao-Chun YangDepartment of Chemical and Materials Engineering, YunTech